Videos Sorted by Topic

How to Get a Training Certificate | Cómo obtener un certificado de entrenamiento | Frequently Asked Questions

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Attachment and Implications for Foster Care in Early Childhood (CC) (12/19/16) (1.0 hour)

Attachment, Trauma, and RAD - What Does it All Mean? (CC) (03/28/16) (1.5 hours)

Caring for a Child with Reactive Attachment Disorder (11/10/22) (0.5 hours)

Countering the Shame of the Resource Parent and Family (CC) (05/12/17) (1.5 hours)

Countering the Shame of the Foster or Adopted Child: Healing the Wounds of the Past by Creating a More Loving Present (CC) (05/12/17) (1.5 hours)

Issues of Love and Loss in Foster Care - with Dr. Zeanah & Dr. Dozier (CC) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Parent Child Attachment in Early Childhood: Why It Matters (CC) (11/07/16) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Relationships Are the Key (CC) (05/28/20) (1.5 hours)

Secure and Compromised Attachment Development (CC) (08/02/16) (1.0 hour)

Trust Based Relational Intervention (CC) (06/17/17) (1.0 hour)

Understanding Shame: The Secret Disruptor of Family Harmony (CC ) (05/12/17) (1.5 hours)

Alleviating Stress for Foster Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic (05/21/20) (CC) (0.5 hours)

Aggression and Disruptive Behavior: Best Practices (CC) (04/12/22) (1.0 hour)

Antecedent Based Interventions (ABI): Yes!! Please! (CC) (04/11/23) (0.5 hours)

Perspectives on Life & Autism (CC)(09/27/19) (0.5 hour)

Sensory Challenges in Feeding (CC) (09/27/19) (0.25 hour)

The ABCs of Behavior (CC) (09/27/19)(0.25 hour)

Basics of Behavior (CC) (02/28/19) (0.25 hours)

Child Centered Strategies for Supporting Families (CC)(06/05/21) (1.5 hours)

Eating Disorders: The Latest Information You Need to Know (CC) (06/19/15)(1.0 hour)

Effective Discipline in Developmental Stages(CC) (11/15) (0.75 hours)

From Resistance to Resilience (CC) (05/14/20) (0.5 hours)

Interventions for Challenging Behavior (CC) (09/02/16) (1.5 hours)

Managing Children's Emotions & Behaviors (CC) (04/13/21) (0.25 hours)

Overview of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)(CC)(04/15) (0.5 hours)

Practical Strategies for Connecting with and Managing Behaviors of Children Impacted by Trauma (CC) (06/17/17)(1.5 hours)

Power Struggles (03/30/22) (0.5 hours)

Regulation for Preservation (CC) (04/13/21) (0.25 hours)

Regulation for Protection (CC) (11/14/20)(1.5 hours)

Sensory Systems and Solutions (CC)(02/28/19) (0.25 hours)

Stressless With Defiance: Oppositional Defiant Students (CC) (03/07/20) (2.0 hours)

Taking the Blame Off Kids: Understanding Systems and the Ecological Model (07/15/21) (CC) (0.5 Hour)

The Developmental Web: A Perspective on Learning and Behavior Problems (CC)(06/11/15) (1.0 hour)

The "WHY" of Behavior (CC)(02/28/19) (0.25 hours)

Transitioning for Success (CC) (04/13/21) (0.25 hours)

Understanding Autism: Acquiring Information to Create a Safe and Supporting Home (CC) (06/29/18) (1 hour)

Understanding & Supporting Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (CC) (04/13/21) (0.25 hours)

FURS Overview Training (CC) (04/08/21) (1.0 hour)

You Matter In the Lives of Babies and Toddlers! (CC)(10/28/17) (0.5 hours)

Child Development and Risk for Abused and Neglected Children (CC)(04/20/17) (1.0 hour)

Foster Parenting Child Development (CC) (01/05/18) (1.5 hours)

How to Build A Better World, One Child At A Time (CC) (08/31/20) (1.0 hour)

Keeping Up with the Judges: What You Need to Know About Child Development to Support Best Decisions (CC) (09/02/20) (1.5 hours)

Making Everyday Moments, Communication Moments (CC) (04/19/18) (1.0 hour)

Maximizing Screen Time During The COVID Pandemic (CC) (05/28/20) (1.5 hour)

The Science of Risk and Resilience: Implication for Best Practices in Child Welfare (CC) (09/07/18) (1.0 hour)

Supporting Meaningful Connections: Family Time Visits During a Pandemic (CC) (05/05/20) (1.0 hour)

Using Media Effectively with Young Children and Virtual Visitation/ Part One: Virtual Communication with Young Children (CC) (04/07/20) (1.0 hour)

Using Media Effectively with Young Children and Virtual Visitation/ Part Two: Using Media Play with Young Children (CC) (04/09/20) (1.0 hour)

Affirming and Nurturing Racial Identity and Equality in Children (CC) (07/14/2020) (1.0 hour)

Are We Judging or Serving? Moving from Diversity to Justice! (CC) (09/02/2020) (1.5 hours)

Investing in Diversity as a Family Value (CC) (06/27/2020) (1.0 hours)

Exploring the Intersections of Historical Trauma and Race in Child Welfare, Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health Systems (CC) (10/09/2020) (1.5 hours)

Preserving and Nurturing Cultural Connections in Children and Families (CC) (11/29/17) (1.0 hours)

Why am I Bias? (CC) (02/09/2021) (1.5 hours)

Apoyando a Nuestros Niñes y Jovenes LGBTQ+ (CC) (09/30/2022) (0.5 Hour)

Construido relaciones más fuertes que fomentan comportamiento positivo (CC) (04/12/23) (0.5 horas)

De la Resistencia a la Resiliencia (CC) (07/16/20) (0.5 horas)

Disciplina Positiva (CC) (09/02/16) (No elegible para las horas de formación)

El Impacto del Trauma - Parte 1 (CC) (02/19/14) (1.5 horas)

El Impacto del Trauma - Parte 2 (CC) (04/21/14) (1.5 horas)

El Bienestar Sexual y Reproductivos Para jovenes en Hogares de Crianza - Derechos de la juventud (CC) (02/23/21) (0.5 hora)

Entrenamento de Seguridad de Passajero Infantil (CC) (06/08/21) (1.0 hour)

Informacion general sobre deficit de atencion e hiperactividad(ADHD) (CC)(05/15) (0.5 horas)

La explotacion sexual Infantil con fines comerciales y La concientizacion e Identificacion del problema (CC)(01/14/17) (2.5 horas)

La Red Del Desarrollo (CC)(02/25/16) (1.0 hora)

Manteniendo Estabilidad en su Hogar (CC)(08/02/16) (1.5 horas)

Prevencion De La Violencia Armada (CC)(12/18/20) (0.5 hours)

Protección de la Salud Bucal de su Niño de Crianza (CC) (03/09/16) (0.5 horas)

Sueño seguro para los bebés: Video para abuelos y personas que cuidan un bebé (CC) (12/08/15) (No elegible para las horas de formación)

Tu Futuro, Tus Finanzas (CC)(05/11/17) (1.5 horas)

Education Rights for Foster Youth (CC) (10/13/16) (1.0 hour)

Fostering Pathways to Higher Education (CC) (02/15/17) (1.0 hours)

Improving Education Outcomes for Children with Disabilities in Kinship/Foster Youth (CC) (08/09/17)(2.0 hours)

Navigating Special Education During COVID-19: California Tips for Families and Systems Advocates (CC)(05/19/20) (1.5 hours)

Successful College Transitions: Strategies for Families Supporting California Foster Youth Entering Their First Year (CC) (06/21/20) (1.0 hour)

The Trauma Informed Classroom: Using Emotional Regulatory Healing in the School (CC) (06/29/18) (1.5 hours)

8 Human Desires (CC) (10/28/17) (1.0 hour)

5 Star Parenting Toolkit (CC) (11/1/2016) (2.0 hours)

Ages of Grief (CC) (06/28/18) (1.0 hour)

Caring for a Child with ADHD (11/11/22) (1.0 hour)

Communication: Low-tech Tools Embedded into Everyday Opportunities (CC) (04/11/23) (1.0 hour)

Creating Boundaries (CC) (11/29/18) (1.0 hour)

Engaging Dads (CC) (09/09/20) (1.0 hour)

Healthy Relationships (CC) (03/16/21) (1.5 hours)

Healthy Boundaries for Kids With Electronics (CC) (04/17/19) (0.5 hours)

Helping Children with Grief and Loss (CC) (03/16/17) (1.5 hours)

How To Develop Emotional Resilience (CC) (05/08/17) (1.0 hour)

LifeBook Training (CC) (04/29/2021) (1.0 hour)

Parenting from the Trenches (CC) (01/28/16) (2.5 hours)

Permanency is Not a Place: Transitioning into & Navigating Adult Relationship (CC) (01/26/18) (1.0 hour)

Positive Time Out: A Concept of Positive Discipline (CC) (11/01/16) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Rising Above Resistance: Engaging Defiance in Youth & Families (CC) (12/17/19) (1 hour)

Summer is Over: A Parent's Guide to Surviving Back to School (09/08/2022) (1.0 Hour)

Teaching Social Skills: The Ins, The Outs, The Ups, The Downs (12/22/22) (1.0 hour)

The Effects of Multiple Placements (CC) (05/15/18) (2.0 hours)

The Impact of Fostering and Adoption on Birth Children (CC) (06/29/18) (1.5 hours)

This is Not What I Expected: Reducing Parental Stress (CC) (04/26/17) (0.5 hours)

Time Management for Foster Parents (CC) (07/30/15) (1.0 hour)

Understanding the Impact of Sexual Values on Children in Care (CC) (06/16/17) (1.0 hour)

Using Logical Consequences For Your Children (CC) (05/26/17) (1.0 hour)

Well-Becoming: Developing Well-Being in the Context of Relationships (CC) (01/25/18) (0.5 hours)

Teens and Technology: What to do when Technology is in Control? (04/04/22) (CC) (1.0 hour)

A Discussion on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Child Welfare (CC) (06/01/20) (0.5 hours)

Adolescent Development & Mental Health (CC) (04/14/2022) (1.0 Hour)

Alternatives to Medicine for Mental Health (CC) (06/11/16) (1.5 hours)

Antecedent Based Interventions (ABI): Yes!! Please! (04/11/23) (0.5 hours)

Autism 101 (CC) (08/17/22) (0.5 hours)

Autism and Co-Occurring Disorders (11/28/22) (1.0 hours)

Autism Spectrum Disorder for Child Welfare Professionals (10/29/20) (CC) (1.5 hours)

Basic Information on Over-the-Counter and Prescribed Medications (CC) (08/17/22) (0.5 hours)

Blood Borne Pathogens: Universal Precautions for You and the Children in Your Care (CC) (06/15) (1.5 hours)

Caring for a Child with a Tracheostomy (CC) (06/17/22) (0.5 hours)

Caring for a Child with Tube Feedings (CC) (06/17/22) (0.5 hours)

Diabetes Type 1: Diagnosis Specific Education (CC) (03/03/22) (0.5 hours)

Eating Disorders: The Latest Information You Need to Know (CC) (06/19/15) (1.0 hour)

Explaining Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) (CC) (06/22/20) (0.5 hours)

Factitious Disorder Imposed Upon Another(CC) (08/17/16) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Genetics 101 and Genetic Testing (CC) (03/15) (0.5 hours)

Hearing Device Care (08/17/2022) (0.5 Hour)

Identifying Anxiety Disorders in Child Welfare (CC) (06/08/20) (0.5 hours)

Meeting “Their” Needs so “Our” Kids Can Go Home (CC) (09/03/20) (1.0 hour)

My Lice Story (CC) (07/13/17) (1.5 hours)

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Substance Exposed Infants (CC) (03/03/22) (0.5 hours)

Parenting a Child with Food Allergies (CC) (03/03/22) (0.5 hours)

Parenting Children and Youth on the Autism Spectrum (CC) (4/19/18) (1.0 hour)

Pediatric Skin Problems (CC) (05/12/15) (1.0 hour)

Protecting Your Child's Oral Health - Parents, It's Up To You! (CC) (10/15) (1.0 hour)

Psychotropic Medication eLearning Module (CALSWEC link)

Psychotropic Medications 201: In-Depth Psychopharmocology for Those in the Child Welfare System (CC) (09/03/2020) (1.5 Hours)

Questions regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder (06/29/20) (0.5 hours)

Rules for Optimal Health(12/11/17) (1.0 hour)

Supporting Autism Spectrum Disorder Children through Puberty (12/20/2022) (1.0 Hour)

Shaken Baby Syndrome: Abusive Head Trauma in Infants and Children (11/17/16) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Simple Coping Skills for Kids! (04/13/2022) (1.0 Hour)

SKY Child and Adolescent Nutrition and Wellness (CC) (03/07/2022) (0.5 hours)

Sleep's Impact on Function (04/14/2022) (1.0 Hour)

Sexual and Reproductive Well-being for Youth in Foster Care - Duties and Responsibilities (08/31/20) (CC) (0.25 hours)

Sexual and Reproductive Well-being for Youth in Foster Homes - Youth Rights (02/23/21) (CC) (0.5 hour)

Sexual and Reproductive Wellness for Youth in Foster Care: Engaging with Youth about Sexual Wellness (03/09/21) (CC) (0.5 hours)

Sexual and Reproductive Wellness for Youth in Foster Care: Finding Resources, Safer Sex, and Contraception Methods (03/09/21) (CC) (0.5 hours)

Silent Suffering: Responding to Self-Harm in Foster Care (09/02/20) (1.0 hours)

Supporting Substance-Exposed Children (08/11/2022) (1.0 Hour)

Tools for Maintaining African American Hair (CC)(10/25/21) (0.5 hours)

Understanding Tourette Syndrome in Children(07/16/17) (1.0 hour)

Understanding Trauma Related Disorders (06/15/20) (0.5 hours)

What Foster Parents Need to Know About Asthma(07/15) (1.5 hours)

Understanding Autism (04/04/22) (CC) (1.0 hour)

Advocating to End Human Trafficking: Justice, Equality, and Economic Security for All (CC) (10/16/2020) (1.5 hours)

Caregivers Toolkit: Human Trafficking (CC) (01/30/16) (1.0 hour)

Child Labor Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery (CC) (02/18/22) (1.5 hours)

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Awareness and Identification (CC) (02/16) (2.0 hours)

Danger Warning! Social Media Sex Trafficking Recruitment is on the Rise since COVID 19 Pandemic (CC) (02/19/21) (1.5 hours)

Gang Sex Trafficking: What You Should Know! (CC) (06/18/21) (1.0 hour)

Human Trafficking Survivor (CC) (01/20/21) (0.5 hours)

Providing for CSEC Youth in Foster Care (CC)(03/06/15) (1.0 hour)

Sextortion: Unveiling the Dangers of Online Exploitation! (CC) (06/17/22) (1.5 hours)

Substance Use in Human Trafficking (04/15/2022) (CC) (1.0 Hour)

Survivor Teachings: A Process of Healing and Hope (CC) (07/17/20) (1.5 hours)

Talking with Youth About Human Trafficking: A Resource Guide for Caregivers (CC) (09/16/22) (1.5 hours)

#TalkWithTeens (CC)(10/15/20) (1.0 hours)

Advancing Developmentally Appropriate Child Welfare Practice (05/28/20) (1.5 hours)

The Art of Parenting Teens(03/12/15) (1.5 hours)

Caring for Teens in Foster Care(01/25/16) (2.5 hours)

Count Me In - To Be Inspired: Relationships/Partnerships Needed to Work with Teens (CC) (12/13/19) (1.0 Hours)

Count Me In - To Be Inspired: Through the Eyes of a Foster Youth Alumni (12/13/19) (0.5 Hours)

Count Me In - To Be Inspired: Working with Teens - Dispel the Myth (12/13/19) (0.5 Hours)

Creating Permanency for Youth (11/10/21) (CC) (1.5 hours)

Education Rights for Foster Youth (CC) (10/13/16) (1.0 hour)

Financial Safety: Protecting Youth From Frauds and Scams (04/15/19) (0.5 hours)

Fostering Teens: The Good, The Bad, The Reward (CC) (06/17/17) (1.0 hour)

How Foster Parents Can Teach Independent Living Skills - Building a Healthy, Wealthy Future (06/22/15) (1.0 hour)

How to Get The Job, Keep The Job (CC) (04/05/2021) (0.5 hours)

Healthy Boundaries in Sexual and Intimate Partner Relationships (06/04/2020) (0.5 Hour)

Implementing Trauma-Sensitive Practice with Adolescents in Foster Care in Times of Crisis (05/27/20) (1.5 Hour)

Keeping Youth TECHnically Connected (04/14/20) (1.0 Hour)

Money Moves - Financial Literacy for Foster Youth (CC) (05/18/22) (1.0 hour)

Nurturing Adolescent Development: A Trauma-Sensitive, Resilience-Building Strategy (05/01/19) (3.0 hours)

Sleep in Teens: What Parents and Guardians Need to Know (07/18/17) (1.0 hours)

Teens and Self-Harm (09/07/18) (1.0 hour)

Understanding the Teen Brain and Engaging Youth in Planning their Own Future (1/26/18) (1.0 hour)

Welcoming Youth (11/10/22) (1.0 hour)

Your Future, Your Finances(04/19/17) (1.0 hour)

2016 QPI New Site Conference: Keynote Presentation (CC) (03/29/16) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

A Strength-based Approach to Supervised Visitation in Child Welfare Training (CC)(07/16) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

About the Quality Parenting Initiative & Being a 21st Century Foster Parent (CC) (2013) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Child Welfare Workers' Views on Physical Punishment of Children (CC) (07/16) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

How the Perspective of Fathers Contributes to Disproportionality: A Real Discussion (CC)(07/16) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Live the Dream and Become a Foster or Adoptive Parent Today! (CC)(06/30/18) (0.5 hours)

"ReMoved" Short Film (2013) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Removed Part 2: Remember My Story (2015) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Resilience and Redemption (CC) (05/12/16) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities (CC)(05/05/16) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Who We Are as Foster Parents (CC) (07/19) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Gun Violence Prevention (CC) (12/18/20) (0.5 hour)

Preparing Your Family Before an Emergency (CC)(06/30/18) (1.0 hour)

Water Safety Program (12/04/17) (CC) (1.0 hour)

Child Passenger Safety Training (CC) (01/13/21) (1.5 hours)

How Well Do You Know Your Computer? The Dark Side of the Internet that May Be Affecting You and Your Children (CC) (04/26/16) (0.5 hours)

Injury Prevention: Safe Kids (CC) (04/17/19) (1 hour)

Online Safety for Foster Parents (CC) (03/15/20) (0.5 hour)

Safe Infant Sleep for Grandparents and Other Trusted Caregivers (CC) (12/08/15) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Safe Sleep, Grow Healthy(08/15) (CC) (0.5 hours)

Sleep-Related Deaths (Unsafe Sleep): The Basics, Challenges, & Future Research (CC)(04/21/17) (1.0 hour)

Social Media and Today's Youth (CC) (06/29/18) (1.5 hours)

Social Media: Keeping Your Kids Safe (01/30/16) (1.0 hour)

Engaging Kinship Caregivers With Joseph Crumbley Training Videos (note: these videos are not eligible for relicensing hours)

Keepin' it in the Family: The Unique Issues of Kinship Care (10/03/17) (2.0 hours)

Kinship Navigation - Promising Practices Supporting Relative/Non-Relative Caregivers (06/30/18) (1.5 hours)

Exploring Kinship Care From the Front Lines (06/29/18) (1 hour)

2017 Fostering and Adoption Summit: How Gender and Orientation Impacts All Youth(10/28/17) (1.0 hour)

Affirming Care of LBGTQIA+ Youth (CC) (11/17/20) (0.5 hour)

LGBTQ Youth: Voices of Trauma, Lives of Promise (09/16) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Supporting LGBTQ and Gender Diverse Youth in Out-of-Home Care (02/26/16) (2.0 hours)

Supporting the LGBTQ+ Population (CC) (03/07/22) (0.5 hours)

Transgender Issues in Foster Care (06/15) (1.5 hours)

Understanding the LGBTQ+ Community and Supporting the Foster Youth in Your Care (12/03/21) (CC) (0.75 hours)

Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome(04/19/18) (1.5 hours)

Consent (CC) (03/16/21) (1.5 hours)

Problem Sexual Behavior of Children (06/29/18) (1.5 hour)

Sexual Abuse and the Foster Child: What Do I Do Now? (12/07/16) (1.5 hours)

Addiction: What Happens to Adult Functioning and Protective Capacity When Drugs Hijack the Brain (08/30/17) (1.0 hour)

Changing the Course: Pathways to Addiction Stabilization & Recovery for Families (09/05/18) (1 hour)

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Identification and Interventions(06/29/18) (1.0 hour)

Substance-Exposed Newborns: Selected Topics (CC) (10/01/16) (1.0 hour)

Understanding Substance Abuse and the Impact on Children (09/22/12) (1.0 hour)

QPI National Conference: Partnering to Prioritize Relationships (CC) (05/25/21) (1.0 hours)

2021 QPI National Conference: Connection as Intervention: Supporting Development & Healing Trauma (CC)(05/24/21) (1.0 hour)

2021 QPI National Conference: Kin-First Systems and QPI (CC) (05/25/21) (1.0 hour)

2021 QPI National Conference: Through Their Eyes (CC) (05/25/21) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

2021 QPI National Conference: Case Management Connections to Quality Parenting (CC) (05/16/21) (1.0 hour)

2021 QPI National Conference: Quality Parenting Outreach: Using Technology to Transform Foster Care (CC) (05/26/21) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

2021 QPI National Conference: Reflective Practice for Building Relationship-Based Systems (05/26/21) (CC) (1.0 hours)

2021 QPI National Conference: Recruitment, Support and Retention Through a QPI Lens (CC) (05/27/21) (1.0 hours)

Accessing Mental Health Service for Children in Foster Care (02/10/17) (1.5 hours)

Assertion and Advocacy(05/05/17) (1.0 hour)

Culture Clash: Bringing the Perspective of Child Development to Social Services and Family Court (01/17/18) (1.0 hour)

Developing Respectful Partnerships through Customer Service (03/27/19) (1.0 hour)

Disruption: Prevention and Intervention(06/28/18) (1.0 hour)

Foster Child is Not a Defining Title: My Attitude Overcomes (06/14/18) (1.0 hour)

Fostering and the Courts: What Foster Parents and Kinship Caregivers Need to Know about California's Dependency Court Process (12/15/16) (1.5 hours)

ICPC 101 for Case Managers (04/05/19) (1.5 hours)

Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children: What Caregivers Need to Know? (02/15/19) (1.5 hours)

Normalcy for Youth in Foster Care (05/22/18) (1.0 hour)

Peer Mentors in Child Welfare: A Promising Practice Toward Reunification (07/16) (1.5 hours)

Personal Rights of Foster Youth — Office of the Foster Care Ombudsperson (04/28/17) (1.0 hour)

Privacy for Youth in Foster Care: Engaging and Empowering Youth in Information Sharing and Protecting Privacy (06/05/18) (1.0 hour)

Social Media and the Foster Care System: Information Sharing in the Age of Social Media (06/12/18) (1.0 hour)

Sonoma Caregivers and the Courts: What Foster Parents and Kinship Caregivers Need to Know about the Dependency Court Process (01/18/17) (Sonoma County Only - 2.0 hours)

Strategic Storytelling (06/30/18) (1.0 hour)

The Importance of Stable Placements for Children (06/27/19) (1.0 hour)

The Partnership Plan & Quality Parenting: Values that Support Excellent Parenting and Help Children Thrive (02/27/19) (1.0 hour)

Child-Centered Transition Plans(CC)(12/17/19) (1 hour)

Countering the Shame of the Foster or Adopted Child: Healing the Wounds of the Past by Creating a More Loving Present (CC) (05/12/17)(1.5 hours)

Countering the Shame of the Resource Parent and Family (CC) (05/12/17)(1.5 hours)

Developmentally Appropriate Transition Practices (05/26/20) (1.0 hours)

Helping Families in the Critical Post-Adoption Period (CC) (04/18/19) (1.0 hour)

Promoting Developmentally Appropriate Transitions for Young Children in Care (08/26/16) (1.5 hours)

Sibling Relationships in Foster Care: Keeping Them Connected(05/18/18) (1.5 hours)

The Impact of Grief, Loss and Transitions on Families (CC)(01/16/18) (0.5 hours)

Understanding and Responding to Caregiver Grief and Loss(07/11/17) (1.0 hour)

Understanding Shame: The Secret Disruptor of Family Harmony (CC) (05/12/17)(1.5 hours)

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Sexual Exploitation: Toxic Stress May Increase Vulnerabilities (09/03/20) (1.0 hours)

Caring for Children from Hard Places (CC) (06/11/16) (1.0 hour)

Children and Trauma: Effective Strategies for Healing and Resiliency (09/02/20) (1.0 hours)

Communicating Through the Trauma (05/08/17) (1.0 hour)

FURS Overview Training (CC) (04/08/21) (1.0 hour)

Heart to Heart: Caregiver and Child Connections in Times of Challenge (04/21/20) (1.5 hours)

House of Horrors: How the Tactics of Batterers Harm Children and the Ways We Can Help (09/01/20) (1.0 hour)

Is Compassion Really Fatiguing? The CE-CERT Model for Secondary Trauma (09/01/20) (1.0 hour)

Providing Support to Youth Who Have Experienced Toxic Stress (11/29/21) (CC) (0.5 hours)

Protective Factors...ACEs Antidote (04/14/2022) (1.0 Hour)

Self-Care for Foster Parents: Healing When Helping Hurts (02/01/23) (1.5 hours)

Self Care: Not a Luxury, but a Necessity (CC)(03/15/21) (1.0 hour)

Self-Care for Foster Parents (CC) (04/23/18) (0.5 hours)

STRTPs as Part of an Integrated Trauma-Informed System (CC) (08/09/22) (0.5 hours)

The Repressed Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Addiction, Disease, and Premature Death: In My Beginning Is My End (CC) (04/03/19) (1.5 hours)

The Trauma Cycle: How You Can Help Children and Families (CC) (07/16/21) (1.5 hours)

The Trauma Informed Classroom: Using Emotional Regulatory Healing in the School (CC) (06/29/18) (1.5 hours)

Trauma - Helping Children with Trauma Histories (11/01/19) (1.0 hour)

Coparenting in Foster Care(11/01/19) (0.5 hours)

Coparenting in Kinship Families with Birth Parents (06/16/17) (0.5 hours)

Coparenting: What Foster Parents Need to Know (CC) (03/28/17) (1.5 hours)

Foster and Kinship Care Education Institute: Indian Child Welfare Act (CC) (03/16/17) (1.5 hours)

Intersections: Where Domestic Violence, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Meet (09/03/20) (1.5 Hours)

Parent Perspectives for System Change for QPI (01/17/18) (1.5 hours)

Resource Families and Birth Families: Partners in Parenting (07/13/2020) (1.5 hours)

Supporting Respectful Partnerships: Coparenting (CC) (05/29/19) (1.0 hour)

2020 Youth Empowerment Virtual Conference: Tools for Success: Turning Your Pain into Your Purpose (06/20/20) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Let's Talk About It (07/17/2019) (note: this video is not eligible for relicensing hours)

Youth as Partners in System Change (01/17/18) (1.5 hours)

About Us

California's Just in Time Training is a web based service program designed to connect foster parents, kinship or other caregivers with training, peer experts and other resources. Questions are answered and practical solutions to care for children are discussed - all from the comfort of your home or office.

Highlight Videos

Creating Boundaries November 2018
Incarcerated Parents August 2018
Understanding Autism June 2018

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